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San Francisco

Granddaughters Room


Charming Little Girls Room


I had the pleasure of designing this bedroom and furniture for this clients granddaughter.


The foundation of this room began with this comforter cover.  We discovered this Pierre Fray textile was still a current pattern. We reimagined the look this time as a fitted coverlet a with this simple outline quilting. The feature wall behind the bed was upholstered with the same fabric embellished with Butterflies.

The sweetheart shaped two poster tufted headboard was designed by San Francisco Bay Area Interior Designer Tony Serra.

The wall sconces were added to provide illumination and add a bit of whimsical charm to the room.

We purveyed this most charming chest of drawers for toys from Epoca, an Antique dealer from San Francisco.

The rug was custom from JD Staron in San Francisco.




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